Wеlcomе to IClinix Advancеd Eyе Carе, whеrе wе providе advancеd and comprеhеnsivе Retinal Detachment Surgery options. Our tеam of highly skillеd ophthalmologists is dеdicatеd to offеring thе bеst carе and trеatmеnt for rеtinal dеtachmеnt, еnsuring optimal vision outcomеs for our patiеnts.…
A laser is a concentrated light source that can be used to target sick tissue with extreme precision. Different types of bodily tissue absorb various lasers. The lens and cornea are examples of non-retinal tissue that retinal lasers can pass…
Diabetic Retinopathy treatment in Delhi NCR, Gurgaon Diabetic retinopathy is brought on by high blood sugar levels harming the retina (back of the eye). If undetected it can result in blindness. However, it typically takes a number of years for…
Diabetic retinopathy is a vision problem that is quite prevalent in diabetes patients. Changes occurring in retinal blood vessels due to changes in blood glucose levels lead to swelling or shrinking of blood vessels in the eye resulting in diabetic…
Diabetes is a common disease found in most of the people in today’s time. In the United States, approximately 30 million people live with diabetes. And it is found that nearly 7.7 people suffer from diabetic retinopathy. It is the…
Are you suffering from any complication regarding eyesight in Gurgaon or Delhi area? If yes, IClinix run by Dr. Varun Gogia, Uvetis specialist in Delhi is the place to go. It is a specialized eye centre for retinal detachment surgery,…
Earlier the laser technology was conventionally associated with LASIK and PRK and it was commonly used for vision correction. But now it has moved far beyond these realms. Today, doctors use a variety of lasers to treat a variety of…
If you are looking for Motiyabind Operation in Delhi then nothing can be better than IClinix. At IClinix, our team of surgeons makes the surgery an easy-peasy experience for you. Motiyabind operation is an essential procedure, and you may be required to…
When it comes to eyes, you cannot take things lightly. Restoring impaired vision becomes imperative. If you are having any retina issues, then you will need the top retina specialist in Delhi to resolve the underlying problems of the eyes. If you ignore…
Retinal detachment is a serious condition and needs to be treated immediately to avoid permanent vision loss. Retinal detachment can occur naturally, after trauma, sometimes after post negligence in surgical treatments and secondary to myopia. The retinal break and tear…